Ollie the Octopus wants to be the best juggler in all the Seven Seas, but he is so clumsy sometimes! Ollie can’t sit still, gets frustrated easily, and when he has a tantrum – watch out!
Ollie’s friends have some problems, too.
When Dr Robert Melillo (a world-famous specialist in childhood neurological disorders) meets Ollie one day, he thinks he might know how to help Ollie and his friends reach their potential. Dr Rob can help them all become truly magnificent!
With easy-to-understand language and charming illustrations, Ollie the Octopus and His Magnificent Brain teaches children about complex topics like neuroplasticity and brain development. This delightful book helps children understand what retained primitive reflexes are, how these reflexes might affect their behaviour, and what they can do to integrate their reflexes – and change their lives.
The book includes a special section for adults with information and exercises to help children integrate their retained primitive reflexes.
Dive in and follow Ollie’s journey!
Catching up with Friends!
I had a great catch up recently with Ryan Cedarmark from Brainchat please watch and let us know what you think on our Facebook Page

Gen Dharamaraj
B.Sc.M.Chiro M.Chiro(Paeds)FIBFN-CND
Genevieve Dharamaraj is an Australian allied healthcare practitioner with over 25 years’ experience. She holds a bachelor’s degree in science, a master’s degree in chiropractic, and a master degree’ in paediatric chiropractic. She has been awarded a Fellowship in Childhood Neurodevelopment Disorders from the International Board of Functional Neurology.
Noticing a spike in children experiencing learning and behavioural difficulties, Gen began to explore and study functional neurological concepts not normally associated with the field she was currently in.
Dr Robert Melillo’s work inspired Gen to study and travel to Europe for face to face conferences. She was lucky to shadow Dr Rob in Bulgaria where he saw the most severe children with Autism. This inspired her to open a separate business for functional neurology,
launching Nurturing Brain Potential – the first therapeutic clinic in Australia to utilise the work of Dr Melillo. Nurturing Brain Potential is the result of lifelong learning, passion and determination to help children with difficulties rise to meet their potential.
When Gen isn’t working, she enjoys training for triathlons, spending time with her family, or shopping in her favourite precincts with her friends.
Learn more about Genevieve Dharamaraj and Nurturing Brain Potential at www.nurturingbrainpotential.com.au, or on Instagram, @nurturingbrainpotential